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The Commute

Hush! Implied, demanded, but voluntary as well,

Minds are bustling, eyes twitch,

Across the screens of pending hell,


Rush! Barriers, departure, lack of Intel,

Elbows tucked tight to ribs, eyes down,

The discarded banana skin begins to smell,


Hot! Coffee, air, the morning news,

The guard, the only one who knows why he is there,

Thoughts fly, as do paperback escapist views,


Plot! Book, plan, a change of life,

A friendly bunch not here to find,

Comic notes taken, to report to wife


Delay, the dreaded term for commuter way,

Approve my ticket, little man,

Deep breaths and prep for the new day,


P.A. David

Looking up at you

The beginning always poses questions,

Of the best way to depart,

The choices to make, what direction to take,

Thinking time over lets start.


How can a man, thank another man,

For and introduction and an insight to life,

You have paved me the way, helped me when I stray,

You and my mother, your wife.


The depths of my appreciation I am not sure you’ll ever know,

You gave me the wheel,

And let me feel,

Your nurture allowed me to grow.


A fine man once said to his son,

And he’s still a fine man nothing lest,

You can achieve anything you set your mind to,

Don’t worry my son, do your best.


….I must proclaim, some actions may have tested,

Plainly most relationships will have their ups and downs,

However in me you have invested,

Despite contingent frowns.


I would like to thank you for my chance,

‘kamsahamnida’ is tradditional,

So I fix my sights and steady my stance,

For I know that your loves unconditional.


So I draw to a close this lyrical babble,

As the glow on the mount signals dawn,

I’m still in Korea, in teaching I dabble,

Sincerely the eldest, first born.



The Wife

Every morning, she wakes me with a smile,

She’s never cross, if I make her wait a while,

I’m always late and she’s on time,

She’ll ring and check, that my days gone fine,


She’s never closed, to new ideas,

A caring hug for those with tears,

She’s patient and loving with each new day,

Confident yet sensitive, is her way,


Friends and family, her number one,

She loves to dance and bake for fun,

She’s always time to listen, never shies away,

Loves the morning glisten, of the water in the bay,


On the first of September, we walked down the aisle,

An amazing lady, class, grace and style,

This wonderful woman, ‘she, makes my heart smile’




Flooding and Chaos, lives it takes,

This wild flurry, from nature makes,

Onlookers are warned,

Lonely, sunken 4×4 sits forlorn-ed.


 This is England!

The nation seems surprised,

More  will be coming,

The wrath of the mother undisguised.


The woman scorned or slightly cross.

Whips through curls, to make them dance

Flood risk managers at a loss,

Against nature, acceptance is the only stance.

